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Ai nostri la Dakar 2008


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Robby Gordon foarte suparat pe ASO http://www.nascar.com/2008/news/headlin ... index.html


Imi place americanu!

Gordon still struggles to understand the logic. "Let's put it in perspective," he said. "Eleven people got killed out there. I'm pretty sure in L.A., we kill 11 a night. On the streets of L.A., I'm pretty sure there are 11 a night killed, stabbed, shot, beat up, murdered, I guarantee you just in L.A. Now, you take L.A., Detroit, Chicago, New York, Charlotte -- 11? It's a couple of kids in the back of a pickup truck with a couple of AK-47s [who] shot a couple of people. I'm sorry to say that, but the reality of the thing, it's not like it was this big setup, bombings, or whatever it may be. I feel sorry for the people and families that happened to. But I don't get it. I'm confused."

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e tare americanu'


Da si mie imi place ce a zis yankeul!

By the way: se pare ca politia din Guinea Bisau ( fosta Volta Superioara....io asa am invatat-o la scoala) au arestat 2 cetateni din Mauritania, care au avut legatura cu jaful din 24 decembrie 2007.

Pentru colegul care m-a intrebat de unde stiu ca nu a fost o amenintare iminenta: stiu, am avut si mai am ceva legaturi(ca observator, evident) cu .... fenomenul asta ( http://reteauaterorii.tripod.com/index.html )


Land Rover Discovery 200 Tdi



Cand vantul aventurii incepe sa bata, trebuie sa-i urmezi chemarea

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nu este nicio problema in zona aia. inmaroc ne-am intalnit cu masini de la budapesta-bamako. pe ei nu ia amenintat nimeni. si pe 27 s-a incheiat cu succes.

altele au fost motivele. asta e doar vrajeala aruncata in fata.

+ ca am vazut la traveleri si caravane si un mega furnicar de europeni care se duceau in sud. fara probleme.

in europa dar mai ales in franta spania portugalia este o traditie ca iarna sa mergi in africa. fiecare cu ce are. rulote, 4x4, moto etc. iarna este si sezon de surf pe coasta atlanticului. si mai sunt si o gramada de bosorogi care vand totu si isi iau o rulota si stau acolo la soare cu anii.

nu ii deranjeaza nimeni frate.

iar bastinasii is megafericiti ca le intra bani in tara. acolo te opreste jandarmeria sau armata sa te intrebe daca este totul ok, daca ai nevoie de ceva etc.

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